Answer Keys of AMU Admission Test 2020-21
▶ Class-VI (official)
▶ Class-VI (Duty Society Coaching)
▶ Class-IX (Duty Society Coaching)
▶ RCA-Civil Services Coaching Program
▶ LL.M
▶ M.Tech (Computer Sc. & Artificial int.
,▶ Ad. PG Diploma in Nanotechnology
▶ M.A (Foreign Language) All Subjects
▶ B.Tech
▶ M.Sc (Biodiversity & Studies Mngt.)
▶ M.B.A/M.B.A (I.B)/M.B.A (I.B.F)
▶ Dip. in Costume Design/Garment Tech.
▶ Diploma in Secretarial Practice
▶ Ad. Diploma in Interior Decoration
▶ M.Tech (Processing & Food Engg.)
▶ B.F.A
▶ M.Ed
▶ M.Tech (Material Science & Tech.)
▶ B.Ed
▶ B.P.Ed
▶ P.G Diploma in Mass Comm. (Urdu)
▶ B.Voc ( Fash. Desig./Garment Tech.)
▶ M.P.Ed
▶ M.C.A
▶ M.S.W
▶ M.A (International & West Asia Std.)
▶ MBA (Financial Mgmt.)/M.T.T.M
▶ Diploma Courses through C.E.T.
▶ Dip. in Gen. Nursing & Midwifery
▶ M.A/M.Sc (Operations Research)
▶ M.A (Political Sc./Public Adm./HR)
▶ M.B.A (Hospital Administration)
▶ M.Sc (Remote Sensing & GIS App.)
▶ M.Com
▶ M.Arch
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